… a whole lot of random.

Ridiculous Website

Craigslist Ad by an Awesome Person

We Give Thanks

Nothing inspires a spirit of thanksgiving and patriotism like this website:

Selleck Waterfall Sandwich

















Please don’t ask how I find these things.    Happy Thanksgiving!!

3 Quality Last Minute Halloween Costumes

As found on the College Humor website.  These were my top picks, but check out the 7 others that make up College Humor’s list HERE

Steve Buscemi Eyes

What you’ll need:

-A printer
-To look into Steve Buscemi’s soul and confront your darkest fears

How to sell it:

-Pretend that there’s nothing unusual about your appearance until people stop noticing your eyes, then get real close and make them notice your eyes


Epilogue Ron Weasley

What you’ll need:

-Red hair
-A gut
-To allow your life to sink into depressing mediocrity

How to sell it:

-Arrive at the end of the party and ruin what had previously been a really fantastic event


Nyan Cat

What you’ll need:

-Cat ears
-Cherry Pop-Tart

How to sell it:

-Run around repeating the same jokes for the whole night
-Make people look at you until someone finally admits that your costume isn’t actually that funny


Miley on a goat

Because you have haven’t lived until you’ve seen Miley on a goat?




Definitely one of the creepier websites I’ve stumbled upon in my interweb travels.

Beards from below