… a whole lot of random.

Absurd Product

This Game Was Designed Just For Me!

WARNING: Language

This Thing is Useless!

Amazon Edna
Edna Review

I Have Died of Dysentery

I’m still not using their crappy browser…

A Day Late and a Dollar Short

Why do I only discover kite tubing AFTER it’s been banned in all 50 states?!?  This would be amazing!!

Borat Tries Veet?

Sounds like the men of Amazon have had many similar issues with this incredible hair removal product.  Click HERE to read more…


First Commercial That Made Me Cry

This is just evil… what a depressing commercial!  Sorry… nothing funny today.  =(

Craigslist Ad by an Awesome Person

Windows Project Glass

If you don’t know about Google’s Project Glass, check out the video HERE

Swiss Spaghetti Farming

From the BBC archives.

Fancy Pants!

Taking Wii Games Literally

The Miracle Product Celebs Use!

Pizza Boomerang

!!! CAUTION: This video does have a moment of unsafe-for-work-osity.  It was simply too epicly bizarre not to post though.  Please watch responsibly!!!

Crazy Japanese Candy

Looks like a lot of work…

Milk Bags? Oh Canada…

Kitty Wash-o-Matic 2000

Poor kitty…

Scariest. Toilet. Ever.

Seriously… only in Japan.

Demonic Fish Sounds Possessed

Traditional Japanese Instrument

I want!  I want one so bad!!!

Happy Hump Day!

My mother’s instincts were correct.  Barney is indeed a perv.

Their Plumber is Pissed

Following in yesterday’s theme…

Just in Time for Christmas!

Chuck Testa Remix

So creepy…

What happens in the fridge, stays in the fridge.